March 24, 2008

Mr.Hudson and the Library-

Track of the day!

March 12, 2008

The Alan Parsons Project - Mammagamma (1982)

bellissimo pezzo prog!

GDC 08: EPOQ Neuroheadset Demo

The first company I talked to was Emotiv Systems. Their EPOQ neuroheadset was at GDC last year, but this year, they were showing off an operational, game-integrated system and I got a chance to run through a demo that made me feel like a superhero. The hardware consists of a sort of headband with a bunch of spidery sensors that are placed on your scalp in specific places. Unlike an EEG, there’s no conductive paste necessary, and the sensors are padded. Initial setup for a new user took all of 30 seconds, although much more detailed calibration is possible, and the finer the calibration, the finer the control the headset is capable of.

The demo was pretty straightforward, but highly effective at illustrating the possibilities of the EPOQ technology. Using an XBox 360 controller, I went through a course which taught me to focus my brainwaves to accomplish goals. For example, I could scare off little sprite things by growling at them, as the EPOQ could sense that I was clenching my jaw muscles. It’s not just sensing muscle signaling, though… I was also able to levitate a rock by relaxing my mind, and then doing nothing but focusing on lifting the rock. That’s all. I sat there, looking at the rock on the monitor, and just willed it to lift, and it lifted! I was completely blown away, and me describing it here doesn’t do it justice, it’s something you need to experience firsthand. Yeah, I know that doesn’t help you much, but since it’s an entirely mental exercise, it’s not something that comes across effectively in video or pictures, although I took some video anyway. Keep in mind that this guy isn’t using any physical controls, all he’s doing is thinking about lifting that rock

thanks to evan ackerman.

March 07, 2008


Very immersive media

The first company I talked to was Emotiv Systems. Their EPOQ neuroheadset was at GDC last year, but this year, they were showing off an operational, game-integrated system and I got a chance to run through a demo that made me feel like a superhero. The hardware consists of a sort of headband with a bunch of spidery sensors that are placed on your scalp in specific places. Unlike an EEG, there’s no conductive paste necessary, and the sensors are padded. Initial setup for a new user took all of 30 seconds, although much more detailed calibration is possible, and the finer the calibration, the finer the control the headset is capable of.
The demo was pretty straightforward, but highly effective at illustrating the possibilities of the EPOQ technology. Using an XBox 360 controller, I went through a course which taught me to focus my brainwaves to accomplish goals. For example, I could scare off little sprite things by growling at them, as the EPOQ could sense that I was clenching my jaw muscles. It’s not just sensing muscle signaling, though… I was also able to levitate a rock by relaxing my mind, and then doing nothing but focusing on lifting the rock. That’s all. I sat there, looking at the rock on the monitor, and just willed it to lift, and it lifted! I was completely blown away, and me describing it here doesn’t do it justice, it’s something you need to experience firsthand. Yeah, I know that doesn’t help you much, but since it’s an entirely mental exercise, it’s not something that comes across effectively in video or pictures, although I took some video anyway. Keep in mind that this guy isn’t using any physical controls, all he’s doing is thinking about lifting that rock:

thanks to Evan Ackermann